Every now and then Except organizes Grid Nights for everyone in our network. The goal is to meet, talk, inspire and have fun. Our second Grid Night of 2012 was an amazing gathering of people that together went 'into the flow'....

We had a great turnout for this Grid Night, of friends, clients, and close partners. We had a night filled with good conversation, a game on the square, some challenges and of course... drinks!

Before entering our office people were challenged to try to melt an ice cube as quickly as possible.... with lots of creativity and hilarity as a result. With stopwatch in hand, we saw many ways to melt the ice, among others chewing on it until it became water (16 sec.), crushing and mixing it with salt and candlewax and sitting on it (5 min.).

We hosted a game outdoors, loosely based on the former Dutch game show ‘Ren Je Rot’. The group 'flowed' from one end of the Stadhuisplein to the other, based on questions and targets.

By flowing through dedicated places on the square, corresponding to answers on questions relating to flows and by tracking these places on a map everybody drew their own flow map. Afterwards people could check their answers and I am sad to say the there was no one with a 100% score. But it was a lot of fun anyway so a good score on that aspect.

Thanks for everyone who came out, and see you next time!

If you want to be invited for our upcoming Grid Night in September please send us an email to the address posted on the left.