Last week Except took her friends and business partners on a tour at Micropia, to celebrate “Little things that matter”. In light of a recent publication on Medium about how an algae can save a town - the Merredin Spirulina project - we took closer look at all those small things.

We share with you the insight that tiny creatures can do great things in unexpected ways. For example, in Australia, we discovered that by using the Spirulina algae we can revitalize the economic, social and environmental wellbeing of the entire region.

At Micropia we watched bacteria from closeup, saw ungated crawling ants and even decaying giraffe-bodies behind glass... all to make us understand the power of small things on society.

Thank you all for coming, what a night we had and stay tuned for our next event:
Except's 18th birthday...

Special thanks to Jan Willem Groen for taking our pictures