“All good things come to an end” …or, do they? We wish our latest Grid Night never had to end, but well, that's not the kind of universe we live in. The very first Grid Night of 2015 was all about the good things that endure, transform and evolve over time. We were welcomed at the Maas Theater where we enjoyed a lovely meal by La Zia Maria, after which the real fun started. We were in a theater for a reason after all...

"You were born"

"You were added to the birth register"

"You were ..."

While sitting in red velvet chairs the performance by theater group Wunderbaum twisted our preconceptions. The Grid Night attendees probably thought they were pretty unique, well, that's just simply not always the case. Wunderbaum awoke a grand range of thoughts in the crowd, ranging from questioning our ways of being, the things we take for granted, and the kind of society we (want to) live in.

We never said that going to a Grid Night is relaxing only, after Wunderbaum's wonderful performance our lovely host Darina gave the audience some challenging homework: "Write down a transition you're going through at the moment". A real brain teaser.

Except's 15th Birthday Speech

"Nobody can do it alone, especially not me" Tom Bosschaert

After a well deserved break Tom took the stage and pondered about his first Except moments, sitting in a green chair in the office of the Chamber of Commerce in Delft. Just 19 years old, determined to make a positive difference in peoples lives, but at the same time still doubting the name "Except". Well, I'm happy he stuck to Except, because personally I'm proud to call myself an Exceptional!

Cake and Conversations

A birthday celebration wouldn't be a very good one without cake, so that's what we got. Wonderful little purple Except cakes, and next to looking cute they tasted fabulous. While chatting away a spontaneous line dance instruction emerged on the dance floor. That proves once and for all, anything can happen at Grid Nights.

Will you be there at our next Grid Night?

The Grid Night is a quarterly event hosted by Except for all of its associates and their partners, friends and collaborators. The aim is to bring together like minded and inspiring people, and provide inspiration, connection, and an opportunity to enjoy the finer things in life. The program is organized by new members of Except, always a surprise, always different.

The next Grid Night is in April, and you're invited!