This year, Except turns 20. For the past two decades, we existed to create the foundations of a sustainable society. As one of the first integrated sustainability organizations in the world, we want to celebrate this milestone with all of you in a truly Except fashion. Please register your attendance, dinner and workshops via this link.

We celebrate with the unique and amazing people that have traveled this path with us together all those years. Expect a full day program, free workshops, inspiring stories from partners, and a big party at the end.   All this in our own listed heritage building of the Utrecht Community (UCo).


During the day, we offer sustainability pioneers multiple free workshops. What would the world look like in 20 years? Use our SiD framework to have fun while learning about integrated sustainability. Eveline Mos will teach you how to envision your own future by using visual dialogue techniques, and we will share our experiences with setting up a community garden.

We ask our partners to share their stories on their own past and future journey, and launch the first complete SiD book –  followed by a dinner provided by Instock. We end with a party to connect with like-minded sustainability experts on the dancefloor. 

At our anniversary, after 10 years of work, the first complete book on Symbiosis in Development (SiD) will be launched. It is the first A to Z workmanual for systemic sustainable development, capturing experience of over 700 projects worldwide. This first limited hardcover edition has 100 unique hand-made illustrations and diagrams.  See for details about SiD:

The book is available before and at the event at a discount for €40 (ex VAT). If you come to the event and want one, save on shipping costs and payment hassle by ordering it online now (choose local pickup). Use the 'getstheworm' coupon code on checkout on the store page to get this discount.  The discount is available for all early birds, even if you don't come to the event. 

The digital PDF version is also available for download now for a voluntary donation (suggested at €20).


The workshops have a limited number of spaces available, so sign up fast via this link

Free Workshops

14.30 - 17.00 Integrated Sustainability Light hosted by Except (full)

14.30 - 17.00 Draw your Future hosted by Eveline Mos

As we're looking back and forward, how do you envision your own future? Learn techniques for visually drawing your own future in this workshop. Max 20 participant.

Evening Anniversary Celebration

17.00 - 17.30 Walk in 

17.30 - 19.00 Inspiring stories looking back and into the future

Book launch: Symbiosis in Development (SiD)

Launch of the Except Sustainability Academy

Performance by the ALMA Quartet

19.00 - 21.00 Dinner by Instock 

21.00 - 23.00 DJs and Dance 

Please register for parts of the program via this link.

For any questions, contact Saskia (
Follow our LinkedIn and Twitter for our highlighted projects and further announcements.