Amsterdam Schiphol Airport was born at Schiphol-Oost, over 100 years ago. Today, it incorporates a business park that could use more atmosphere and vision to distinguish itself from other business parks in the surrounding area. In collaboration with Schiphol Real Estate (SRE), Except developed a vision and strategy for Schiphol-Oost for the coming 5 to 10 years. The concept transforms Schiphol-Oost into an innovation garden for the entirety of Schiphol, named Pioneer Park.
Within the portfolio of Schiphol, Schiphol-Oost defines itself as a green area with room for future development. Its limited facilities, the anonymity of the public space, and the infrequent connection to Schiphol Central Building District by public transport are reasons to re-invent the approach to revitalization.
The new strategy aims both towards existing users and a proposition for other parties. In this proposition, Schiphol-Oost offers itself as the innovation garden for Schiphol CBD, providing space and facilities for project teams of involved parties at the CBD. This way, CBD and Oost create a symbiotic relationship. Pioneer Park benefits from the proximity of multinational organizations that strive to innovate, and it offers facilities, space, and the environmental quality that innovation requires. Pioneer Park offers Schiphol a more innovative image, better innovative opportunities, a broader proposition, and extra value to CBD.
The concept has five key points.
The proposition for Pioneer Park is to attract and concentrate more innovative projects and groups that are active all over the Schiphol region. This goal also incorporates drawing new external parties interested in new business and product development methods. During the development phase, Pioneer Park offers them support from a range of innovative, high-tech aerospace and airport-related services and products to tech innovations in other sectors.
The community takes a center spotlight in the strategy. Schiphol will appoint an area manager specifically aimed at Schiphol-Oost, with a strong mandate. Over the years, this manager has built the community from the ground up. The manager organizes events and facilities and offers knowledge exchange and a deeper connection to the area. This way, the area manager becomes a community manager, shifting tasks from a real estate perspective to that of a facilitator of a community of entrepreneurs.
Creating a new public space underlines the strategy and helps create a new image and experience of the area. The design allows for a transformation into a campus-like setting, creating a pleasant place and connecting itself to the neighboring Amsterdamse Bos. There is a significant impact in better utilizing the existing space.
Vital to the success of any transformation to Schiphol-Oost is the accessibility by public transport. The new central shuttle service aims to improve current facilities. These lay the groundwork for a future Schiphol Circular that connects all work areas in the Schiphol area.
Nov. 1, 2016
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