Van het Zuiverste Water ('from the purest water') was a stakeholder-led trajectory supported by Stadsstromen to help the Municipality of Almere futureproof their water management approach. Except Integrated Sustainability was asked to attend several vital meetings to contribute expertise and help in conceptualization, stakeholder engagement, and preparing illustrations.
When the project started at the beginning of 2015, stakeholders were divided on how to deal with the critical issues at hand. Such problems included the city's complex and problematic sewer system, the protected Dutch beaver blocking waterways, and how to market the Almere region's superb and ample natural water.
Stadsstromen, with the help of Except, brought all stakeholders together in several workshops, mended the relationships between them, and helped them start looking for solutions together. In the end, Except created a presentation for Stadsstromen that was in turn presented to the municipality of Almere and several stakeholders. The presentation revealed the process and suggested the following steps to take.
March 7, 2016