Sustainability strategies often take decades to unfold. You have a strategy and a plan for a more sustainable organization, but how do you ensure the right stakeholders are involved in the right way? How do you ensure goals are actually met, and commitment to the principles of the plan over years of development? How do you line up your team to keep the same goal in mind and work together to achieve your organizational goals?

Shifting gears requires shifting mindsets, and this 'soft' aspect is often the hardest part of the journey. We support teams and individuals in this journey, using the fresh perspectives of systems thinking and agile process management to promote understanding, alignment, and shared ownership within the transition trajectory.

Regardless of the type of an organization, internal transitions can be costly and time-consuming. Aligning with stakeholders can also be complex and time consuming. We help your organization and stakeholders align to the transition process through process management, cocreation workshops, events, individual training and coaching, as well as strategic trajectories to reach your goals.

Transition Management Services:

  • Process Management
  • Custom In-Company Trainings
  • Integrated Sustainability (SiD) Trainings
  • Masterclasses & personal coaching
  • Online Consulting services

Contact us to inquire about our services, or access our Online Consulting Service to get advice directly from one of our experts.