Articles archive

Sustainability Strategy vs. ESG Strategy
Over the past decade, ESG has become a buzzword in the corporate world. Companies proudly release annual ESG reports, investors rely on ESG ratings, and regulatory bodies are…

Sustainability Strategy vs. ESG Strategy
Over the past decade, ESG has become a buzzword in the corporate world. Companies prou…

Eco-Industrial Parks and Industrial Symbiosis
The drive toward Eco-industrial parks and the support for a more sustainable future are gaining momentum with investors, businesses, and manufacturers alike. Processing and m…

Eco-Industrial Parks and Industrial Symbiosis
The drive toward Eco-industrial parks and the support for a more sustainable future ar…

Learning from failed Utopia
Sustainable city design is gaining more attention as the world looks for answers to humanity's challenges on Earth. However, history shows that the pursuit of utopia often en…

Learning from failed Utopia
Sustainable city design is gaining more attention as the world looks for answers to hu…

Crafting hope from grief
Facing the world's crises can feel overwhelming, and understanding our emotional journey through this feeling is key. Join me as I explore how you can build leadership from u…

Crafting hope from grief
Facing the world's crises can feel overwhelming, and understanding our emotional journ…

The ongoing earthquakes in ESG-Land
In the corporate sphere, Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) standards are undergoing transformative changes, reshaping how businesses operate and report globally. Th…

The ongoing earthquakes in ESG-Land
In the corporate sphere, Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) standards are und…

The Anatomy of a System
The term “sustainable” is now ubiquitous across society, yet its actual meaning is elusive and often misunderstood. For example, despite the common assumption, there’s no suc…

The Anatomy of a System
The term “sustainable” is now ubiquitous across society, yet its actual meaning is elu…