Mining the Mind

We produceren voortdurend nieuwe kennis en inzichten over duurzame ontwikkeling. Op deze pagina delen we artikelen gebaseerd op ons werk en ons onderzoek. We hopen hiermee nieuwe manieren van denken aan te moedigen en verbeelden hoe een duurzame samenleving eruit kan zien, met tools en hulpmiddelen om daar te helpen komen.

Al het materiaal is vrij te delen en open source via Creative Commons (CC-BY-SA).




An overview of ESG's major landscape shifts

Dec 2023

The ongoing earthquakes in ESG-Land

In the corporate sphere, Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) standards are undergoing transformative changes, reshaping how busines…


Dec 2023

The ongoing earthquakes in ESG-Land

In the corporate sphere, Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) …


How well-intentioned concepts distract us from our true goals

Feb 2023

Circularity is not sustainability

For a sustainable future, we will need to adopt and develop circularity across every industry and sector. Not only will it help to relieve …


Feb 2023

Circularity is not sustainability

For a sustainable future, we will need to adopt and develop circulari…


A three-part series for Sustainable Vietnam

Jun 2022

How Innovation Communities Enhance Sustainability

The following article consolidates a three-part series that Except produced for Sustainable Vietnam. It shares Except's experience and insi…


Jun 2022

How Innovation Communities Enhance Sustainability

The following article consolidates a three-part series that Except pr…


Van impact investing naar systeem impact

Mrt 2022

De opkomst van systemisch investeren

We weten het al lang, om een duurzame samenleving te realiseren, moeten we onze hecht veronden ecologische, sociale en economische systemen…


Mrt 2022

De opkomst van systemisch investeren

We weten het al lang, om een duurzame samenleving te realiseren, moet…

Crona Virus

Why preparing for uncertainty and adaptation is critical

Apr 2020

COVID-19's lesson to the world: the need for resilience

For years, we've seen different theories on how to best steer society in a different direction. As we are facing the impending worsening of…

Crona Virus

Apr 2020

COVID-19's lesson to the world: the need for resilience

For years, we've seen different theories on how to best steer society…


Except joins the B Corp Movement

B Corp is a global movement of organizations that hold social and environmental shared value at the core of their business activities. The …


Okt 2019

Except joins the B Corp Movement

B Corp is a global movement of organizations that hold social and env…