Communities empower places and organizations

To build a lively, healthy, and economically resilient place or organization, the best way to start is by building a community. We support organizations in identifying, gathering, and building communities as a means to realize sustainable, healthy, and vibrant neighborhoods, buildings, and organizations. Placemaking is part of community building, by providing an environment that attracts the right people, while fostering connection.

Planting the seeds of development

A community isn't created, it is grown. Communities grow by creating fertile environments with the right conditions, while using targeted strategies to attract and connect members. Community development can be used to enable the development of a place, a business, and organization, or to strengthen existing communities.

Placemaking places community members at the center of the process. By involving people in the process of development, guided by experts in collaboration, design, and sustainable development, both the physical environment and the community itself can take shape. Following this process enables trust, shared ownership and responsibility, elements that lie at the core of a healthy community and stepping stones towards resilient places and organizations.

Process elements

  • Identity Development
  • Stakeholder Engagement
  • Community Design & Management
  • Placemaking co-creation design

Contact us to inquire about our services, or access our Online Consulting Service to get advice directly from one of our experts.