
Our projects weave innovation into the fabric of cities, industries, and ecosystems. From the visionary Salesforce Park to the community-driven UCo, and the pioneering Orchid City, we transform bold ideas into sustainable realities.

Dive into our journey of transformative projects since 1999, below.

Project Archive


Landscape of the Circular Economy

The Landscape of the Circular Economy delves into the journey of material flows across landscapes, capturing the implications and opportunities in detailed illustrations. The…

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Estonian Industrial Symbiosis Agro-Park (EISAP)

EISAP promises to be home to Europe's most innovative, circular, and sustainable agro-park. The concept centers around a 1500 ha regenerative industrial park and nearby oil-s…

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Orchid City

Orchid City is the world's first future-proof and self-sustainable real estate development framework, using proven practices to build resilient communities, anywhere in the w…

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IKEA Foundation's Agricultural Livelihoods Strategy

The IKEA Foundation's Agricultural Livelihoods Team works on new strategies to utilize the foundation's grants to boost the livelihoods of smallholder farmers in central Afri…

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Herenboeren International

Herenboeren farms (Gentry Farmers) are based on a revolutionary community-owned and managed sustainable farming model. Developed in the Netherlands, the farms close resource …

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Serenity Farms

Serenity Farms

Serenity Farms is the world's largest and fully self-sufficient greenhouse facility, providing profitable food production and sustaining communities in some of our harshest e…

Serenity Farms
ISAI Egypt

Integrated Sustainable Agriculture Initiative Egypt

The Integrated Sustainable Agriculture Initiative (ISAI) responds to Egypt's pressing need for ecosystem restoration and enhancing sustainable food production. This joint ven…

ISAI Egypt

Arkna Eco-Park Masterplan

Arkna Eco-Park is a redeveloped 671 Ha site dating back to 1527 and is now a high-quality tourist destination in Rakvere, Estonia. Except helped design and construct the park…


Trade mission Detroit

In cooperation with the Dutch Foreign Office, we organized the trade mission to Detroit of May 2015 for over 25 organizations. The program established new permanent business …
