
Our projects weave innovation into the fabric of cities, industries, and ecosystems. From the visionary Salesforce Park to the community-driven UCo, and the pioneering Orchid City, we transform bold ideas into sustainable realities.

Dive into our journey of transformative projects since 1999, below.

Project Archive


Regenerative Community Tokyo (RCT)

Regenerative Community Tokyo (RCT) is Japan's first sustainable knowledge institute, situated in Tokyo's new "SAAI" Wonder Working Community. Its mission is to tackle complex…

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ViCo - Vietnam's first Sustainability Center

ViCo is Vietnam's first national center for sustainability in Ho Chi Minh City. In a time of great demand for sustainable solutions, ViCo supports and connects socially and e…

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Regen Festivals

Young and energetic people worldwide are tired of talking and want to get out and make a difference to help our planet - Regen Festival provides just that. These vibrant even…

ReGen Villages

ReGen Villages Oosterwold

ReGen Villages is a one-of-a-kind master plan for a self-sustained housing neighborhood of 203 houses in the Netherlands. Located in Oosterwold, the 25-hectare site is only a…

ReGen Villages

Utrecht Community (UCo)

The Utrecht Community (UCo) is the national center for sustainable entrepreneurship in Utrecht, the Netherlands. Located in the heart of the city, UCo fosters a community of …

Energy neutral housing at the extended channels.

Sustainable Schiebroek-Zuid

This project introduced, for one of the first times, a complete sustainable transition plan for a large social housing area, towards self sufficiency, that is both realistic,…

Energy neutral housing at the extended channels.

The Rotterdam Collective (RoCo)

The Rotterdam Collective (RoCo) is a real-world laboratory of experimentation and radically new business models for sustainable development. Located in the heart of Rotterdam…
