Our projects weave innovation into the fabric of cities, industries, and ecosystems. From the visionary Salesforce Park to the community-driven UCo, and the pioneering Orchid City, we transform bold ideas into sustainable realities.
Dive into our journey of transformative projects since 1999, below.
The Landscape of the Circular Economy delves into the journey of material flows across landscapes, capturing the implications and opportunities in detailed illustrations. The…
The Landscape of the Circular Economy delves into the journey of material flows across…
This project recognizes and promotes a shift in the construction sector towards reigniting the popularity of wood in building construction. By applying a systemic whole suppl…
This project recognizes and promotes a shift in the construction sector towards reigni…
The Urban ReGen program delivers redevelopment plans for sustainable cities and neighborhoods, integrating all major sustainability aspects in one program. Its approach works…
The Urban ReGen program delivers redevelopment plans for sustainable cities and neighb…
Van het Zuiverste Water ('from the purest water') was a stakeholder-led trajectory supported by Stadsstromen to help the Municipality of Almere futureproof their water manage…
Van het Zuiverste Water ('from the purest water') was a stakeholder-led trajectory sup…
This project illustrates examples of domestic waste water use. By showing simple sketches of complex systems, the illustrations create understanding of pressure sewage, natur…
This project illustrates examples of domestic waste water use. By showing simple sketc…
The Opportunity Map Wastewater Processing visualizes the twelve most critical sustainable opportunities within wastewater processing. Users will see and discover sustainable …
The Opportunity Map Wastewater Processing visualizes the twelve most critical sustaina…
This project visually explores the Dutch wastewater sector moving toward 2030. It takes a closer look at the role of wastewater processing facilities in providing clean water…
This project visually explores the Dutch wastewater sector moving toward 2030. It take…
What are the key projects necessary to make the Netherlands CO2 neutral in 2040? That was the central and massive question put before Except and Posad by the Dutch ministry. …
What are the key projects necessary to make the Netherlands CO2 neutral in 2040? That …