Our projects weave innovation into the fabric of cities, industries, and ecosystems. From the visionary Salesforce Park to the community-driven UCo, and the pioneering Orchid City, we transform bold ideas into sustainable realities.
Dive into our journey of transformative projects since 1999, below.
Sustainability, health, and happiness are increasingly demanded by consumers, particularly by the younger generations, and Heineken is at the forefront of several exciting an…
Sustainability, health, and happiness are increasingly demanded by consumers, particul…
For Inter-IKEA, we boosted the sustainability of the world's entire paper supply chain, using IKEA's catalog and one innovative big data tool. The tool includes data dashboar…
For Inter-IKEA, we boosted the sustainability of the world's entire paper supply chain…
With more than 200 million copies printed each year, the IKEA Catalogue Supply Chain Dashboards helps to address the sustainability of the world's most extensive annual print…
With more than 200 million copies printed each year, the IKEA Catalogue Supply Chain D…
IKEA Media Production engaged Except to showcase the sustainability achievements and ambitions of its 200-million-copy catalog. Together we created a storytelling infographic…
IKEA Media Production engaged Except to showcase the sustainability achievements and a…
Natural Capital, whether recognized or not, plays a crucial role in our economy. To help clarify the relationship between economic activities and natural capital, Except and …
Natural Capital, whether recognized or not, plays a crucial role in our economy. To he…
In collaboration with the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC), Except developed a new data management program to develop thousands of sustainable fisheries worldwide. The MSC…
In collaboration with the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC), Except developed a new dat…
The Dutch online Natural Capital Atlas offers hundreds of maps that portray ecosystem services in the Netherlands. The Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, initiat…
The Dutch online Natural Capital Atlas offers hundreds of maps that portray ecosystem …
For Eneco Wind, we visualized the local impacts of wind turbine development in a visual infographic. The graphic is used by Eneco Wind in conversations with local stakeholder…
For Eneco Wind, we visualized the local impacts of wind turbine development in a visua…
Symoto is an online software application that enables the development, simulation, and monitoring of large-scale material and energy cycles, including urban metabolism, indus…
Symoto is an online software application that enables the development, simulation, and…