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Dead fish

Global News Digest

Jun 2014

Wormfood – June 24, 2014 - Plunder of the high seas

Fuel subsidies encourage overfishing, play around with a simulation of system Earth, and should we treat computer programs as legal entities? Read all about it in this Wo…

Dead fish

Jun 2014

Wormfood – June 24, 2014 - Plunder of the high seas

Fuel subsidies encourage overfishing, play around with a simulation of system Earth, a…


Global News Digest

Jun 2014

Wormfood – June 3, 2014 - New Antibiotics to the Rescue

New antibiotics might divert threat of multiresistant bacteria, great footage of a rare supercell thunderstorm, and China establishes their first environmental court. Rea…


Jun 2014

Wormfood – June 3, 2014 - New Antibiotics to the Rescue

New antibiotics might divert threat of multiresistant bacteria, great footage of a rar…


At the opening of the IABR in Rotterdam

May 2014

Meet the Rotterdam Metabolists

The Rotterdam Metabolists are a joint endeavor of innovative firms in Rotterdam who are leaders in the field of design based on urban metabolism. They present themselves at t…


May 2014

Meet the Rotterdam Metabolists

The Rotterdam Metabolists are a joint endeavor of innovative firms in Rotterdam who ar…

Rotterdamse Metabolisten

The new movement for sustainable cities

May 2014

Rotterdam Metabolists founded

The Rotterdam Metabolists were founded on March 17th, and unites seven Rotterdam based agencies working on the metabolism of cities for over a decade, around the world. To…

Rotterdamse Metabolisten

May 2014

Rotterdam Metabolists founded

The Rotterdam Metabolists were founded on March 17th, and unites seven Rotterdam based…


Global News Digest

May 2014

Wormfood – May 13, 2014 – Our Alarming Food Future

Fresh produce supply is threatened by climate change, the World´s largest nature reserve is established, and the NSA website was hacked. Read all about it in this Wormfood.


May 2014

Wormfood – May 13, 2014 – Our Alarming Food Future

Fresh produce supply is threatened by climate change, the World´s largest nature reser…

Hopetoun falls; Photo by DAVID ILIFF. License: CC-BY-SA 3.0

Global News Digest

Apr 2014

Wormfood – April 20, 2014 – Legal rights for nature

Bolivia is about to give nature legal rights, Swedes start trial with six-hour workdays, and Angela Merkel is not allowed to view her own NSA file. Read all about it in th…

Hopetoun falls; Photo by DAVID ILIFF. License: CC-BY-SA 3.0

Apr 2014

Wormfood – April 20, 2014 – Legal rights for nature

Bolivia is about to give nature legal rights, Swedes start trial with six-hour workday…