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Global News Digest

Mar 2013

Wormfood - March 15, 2013

This edition of Wormfood is packed full of exciting updates and global events, including an exciting update from CERN, heaps of other science, technology, environmental and g…

Mar 2013

Wormfood - March 15, 2013

This edition of Wormfood is packed full of exciting updates and global events, includi…

wormfood title graphic

Global News Digest

Mar 2013

Wormfood - March 1, 2013

This edition of Wormfood covers several exciting news stories, including the surprising rise of the Bitcoin, elections in Italy and South Korea, several intriguing science an…

wormfood title graphic

Mar 2013

Wormfood - March 1, 2013

This edition of Wormfood covers several exciting news stories, including the surprisin…


Sustainability workshop on location

Feb 2013

SiD Winter Workshops: Hotel New York

This year we held our annual SiD sustainability workshop for new Except members in Hotel New York: how to make the most sustainable restaurant/hotel?


Feb 2013

SiD Winter Workshops: Hotel New York

This year we held our annual SiD sustainability workshop for new Except members in Hot…


Yum forests!

Feb 2013

Winter Retreat 2013

Part of Except's crew went to the Veluwe National park to pick up some inspiration in the grey days of winter in a forest. Long nights, good food, dancing, and lots of hugs e…


Feb 2013

Winter Retreat 2013

Part of Except's crew went to the Veluwe National park to pick up some inspiration in …

Global News Digest

Feb 2013

Wormfood - February 14, 2013

This edition of Wormfood covers several intriguing world events, including the resignation of the pope and the decision of Julian Assange to run for Australian senate. We als…

Feb 2013

Wormfood - February 14, 2013

This edition of Wormfood covers several intriguing world events, including the resigna…

Nothing Stops Detroit

Urban recovery in progress...

Feb 2013

RecoveryPark Detroit site visit

Except and the Dutch RecoveryPark NL team visit RecoveryPark and the Detroit urban renewal locations.

Nothing Stops Detroit

Feb 2013

RecoveryPark Detroit site visit

Except and the Dutch RecoveryPark NL team visit RecoveryPark and the Detroit urban ren…